Tortilla, spicy fried chick peas Avocado, tofu, tomato, basil oil Avocado, tofu, spinach Brocolli soup Broad bean, lentil, fennel salad Kisir, grilled aubergine, fresh cheese and pomegranite Wild mushroom papadelle Turkish eggs
Those who are familiar with Turkish eggs, may agree with me that the eggs and yoghurt in a bowl are rather like eggs in yoghurt soup and become so gloopy theyt become almost inedible. This observation formed the basis of my adaptation – which is to put the yoghurt and egg directly on toast. I’ve also thickened the yoghurt with ricotta, which I find more palatable.
NB: The chilli oil is not hard to make and will keep long enough to sate any protracted cravings for Turkish eggs. However, it is also very easy to buy this oil, so don’t be put off making these eggs because you don’t have the oil. Make sure you buy chilli ‘oil’ not sauce, the kind they offer at the table in pizza restaurants.